Our Contacts

Main information:
Name: Reisieksperdi AS (Travel Expert Ltd)
Aaddress: Roosikrantsi 8B, Tallinn, 10119, Estonia
Registry code in Central Commercial Registry: 10101104
Working hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1730 (winter GMT+2, summer GMT+3)

Airline tickets: (372) 6 108 686
Other services in this website: (372) 6 108 616
Front-desk: (372) 6 108 600
Secretary: (372) 6 108 601
Telefax: (372) 6 108 620

ebyroo@lennupiletid.ee - airline tickets
incoming@reisiekspert.ee - bookings off accommodation, excursions and events in Estonia
webmaster@reisiekspert.ee - issues related to technical performance of this website
other e-mail addresses of Reisiekspert
We try to respond to e-mails:
- within 1 hour, when sent on weekdays during business hours
- during morning on next weekday when sent on all other times